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Scout Oath

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.


Thank you for visiting the Troop 812 website. If you are looking for a fun activity for your son that will change his life and make him a better adult, and where your involvement is vital to his development, then get involved in Scouting with Troop 812.
A well-rounded boy should have involvement with his family, church, school, Scouting, band, sports, etc. Our program makes time for these other important commitment.
The eight methods used by Troop 812 to make Scouting unique:

  • Scouting Ideals (Promise, Law, Oath, Slogan)
  • Patrol Method
  • Advancement
  • Outdoor Program
  • Adult Role Models
  • Leadership Development
  • Personal Growth
  • Scout Uniform

You can’t get what Scouting offers anywhere but in Scouting!
Experience shows that boys with involved parents are more likely to be successful in Scouting and in life. We encourage parents to participate as leaders, assist in fundraising activities, become a committee member, and to stay active in their boy’s development and rank advancement. Whatever skills you possess are valuable resources for the success of our Troop and we welcome your involvement.
Boys that join Troop 812 will remember their experiences for their entire life. You will learn new things, see things you never have seen before, and form life-long friendships. Our goal is to assist you to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout.
Please see the annual calendar for an idea of some of the fun activities we have planned.
Questions can be directed to me at bobfuse@aol.com. Either I or one of our registered adults will respond to your questions.

Bob Fuse
Charter Organization Executive




The Troop 812 Program of Adventure:

  • Centers on Adventure for all ages
  • Active, ambitious outdoor program for all Scouts
  • Boys learn leadership by leading, not by watching
  • Outdoor program and advancement are tools to teach Scouting

Scouting is a game with a purpose -

  • Strong Character
  • Good Citizenship
  • All-round fitness

Boy Scout Troop 812 meets at an elementary school in northwest Las Vegas. Our meetings are every Tuesday at 7 PM. Please contact bobfuse@aol.com for further information.